Ancestors of Anne KUNTZ

                            /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  /-Johannes KUNTZ
                  |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        /-Gregory KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Franz SCHAAN
        |         \-Katharina SCHAAN
        |                   \-Margaretha SCHIFFMACHER
        \-Rosa SCHMIDT

Descendants of Anne KUNTZ

1 Anne KUNTZ

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Anne Mary KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anne Mary KUNTZ

                            /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  /-Johannes KUNTZ
                  |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        /-Valentine KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Franz SCHAAN
        |         \-Katharina SCHAAN
        |                   \-Margaretha SCHIFFMACHER
Anne Mary KUNTZ
        |                   /-Sebastian REISS
        |         /-George REIS
        |         |         \-Katherine LEIER
        \-Theresa REIS
                  \-Theresa MARTIAN

Descendants of Anne Mary KUNTZ

1 Anne Mary KUNTZ
  =Louis "Louis" Joseph VIZER

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Annette KUNTZ

Ancestors of Annette KUNTZ

                  /-Joseph KUNTZ
        /-Wendel James KUNTZ
        |         \-Thersa HOLZER
Annette KUNTZ
        |         /-Adam MACHT
        \-Alice Dorothy MACHT
                  |         /-Martin FOLK
                  \-Katherine FOLK
                            \-Eva JAKOB

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Ancestors of Annie KUNTZ

        /-Jacob Peter KUNTZ
        |                   /-Sebastian SCHELL
        |         /-Peter SCHELL
        |         |         \-Barbara KELLER
        \-Elizabeth SCHELL
                  |         /-Kasper HEILMANN
                  \-Anna HEILMAN
                            \-Elisabetha BALL

Descendants of Annie KUNTZ

1 Annie KUNTZ
  =Henry MILLER

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Ancestors of Annie KUNTZ

                            /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  /-Johannes KUNTZ
                  |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        /-Joseph KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Franz SCHAAN
        |         \-Katharina SCHAAN
        |                   \-Margaretha SCHIFFMACHER
        |         /-Nicolas HEISLER
        \-Anna HEISLER
                  |         /-Joseph MERK
                  \-Ottilia MERK
                            \-Katherine HEGEL

Descendants of Annie KUNTZ

1 Annie KUNTZ

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Anthony KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anthony KUNTZ

        /-Joseph KUNTZ
Anthony KUNTZ
        |                   /-Johann GABRIEL
        |         /-Michael GABRIEL
        \-Emilia GABRIEL
                  |         /-Johann SCHLICK
                  \-Katharina SCHLICK
                            \-Margaretha KRAMER

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Anthony KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anthony KUNTZ

        /-Jakob KUNTZ
Anthony KUNTZ
        |         /-George WALDMANN
        \-Mathilda WALDMANN
                  \-Maria Anna Eufrasina HEIER

Descendants of Anthony KUNTZ

1 Anthony KUNTZ
  =Ida Marie HERZOG  Marriage: 18 Jan 1944, Sacred Heart Ch., Park, Gove, KS
      2 Robert KUNTZ
      2 Eileen KUNTZ
      2 Leon KUNTZ
      2 Roger KUNTZ
      2 Steve KUNTZ
      2 Virgil KUNTZ
      2 Tina Marie KUNTZ

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Anthony KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anthony KUNTZ

        /-Isadore M KUNTZ
Anthony KUNTZ
        |                   /-Peter RIPPLINGER
        |         /-Franz RIPPLINGER
        |         |         \-Mary Anna KUNTZ
        \-Mary RIPPLINGER
                  \-Carolina RICHTER

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Ancestors of Anton KUNTZ

        /-Simon KUNTZ
        |         /-Johann DUKART
        \-Monika DUKART
                  \-Margaretha RIEDINGER

Descendants of Anton KUNTZ

1 Anton KUNTZ
  =Barbara EMTER
      2 Delores KUNZ
        =David ZASTOUPIL
  =Ida OLHEISER  Marriage: 15 Jun 1943, St Pius Ch., Shefield,  ND
      2 Casper KUNTZ
      2 Willie KUNTZ
        =Florence REISENAUER
            3 Janel Marie KUNTZ
            3 Ardella KUNTZ
              =Kent BELLERUD
            3 Sarah KUNTZ
              =Shawn FRANK
      2 Simon KUNTZ
      2 Paul KUNTZ
      2 Jerome KUNTZ
      2 Albert KUNTZ
      2 Richard KUNTZ
      2 Diane M KUNTZ
        =Ralph R PRIVRATSKY

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Ancestors of Anton KUNTZ

                            /-Martin KUNTZ
                  /-Engelbart KUNTZ
                  |         \-Franciska HEILMANN
        /-Julius KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Joseph DUCHSCHERER
        |         \-Elizabeth DUCHSCHERER
        |                   \-Theresia MILLER
        |                   /-Adam A HAMAN
        |         /-Michael HAMAN
        |         |         \-Johanna WOLF
        \-Mary HAMAN
                  |         /-Johann BAUMSTARCK
                  \-Eva BAUMSTARCK
                            \-Margaretha FRITZ

Descendants of Anton KUNTZ

1 Anton KUNTZ
  =Johanna "Jane" WENTZ
      2 Richard KUNTZ
      2 Patrick KUNTZ
      2 Julius KUNTZ
      2 Ann KUNTZ
        =Anthony Eugene JORDE
            3 Amanda JORDE
            3 Kristi JORDE
            3 Nathan JORDE
            3 Sarah JORDE
      2 Susanna KUNTZ
        =Kenneth John JORDE
            3 Matthew JORDE
      2 Dorothy KUNTZ
      2 Linda KUNTZ
        = GIMBEL
      2 Heidi KUNTZ
        =Gary GUTOWSKI
      2 Mark Joseph KUNTZ
        =Cindy Joy ROBBINS
            3 Tara Jo KUNTZ
            3 Eric Joseph KUNTZ
      2 Donavan KUNTZ
      2 Bradley KUNTZ
      2 James KUNTZ

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Ancestors of Anton KUNTZ

        /-Peter KUNTZ
        |                   /-Johannes George ZIEGLER
        |         /-George Heinrich ZIEGLER
        |         |         \-Anna Marie ZIEGE
        \-Anna ZIEGLER
                  \-Magdalena WAGNER

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Ancestors of Anton KUNTZ

        /-Anton J KUNTZ
        |                   /-John C BARNHARDT
        |         /-Jacob A BARNHARDT
        |         |         \-Elizabeth STURN
        \-Anna Mary "George" BARNHARDT
                  |         /-Bernhard PIATZ
                  \-Magdalena "Lena" PIATZ
                            \-Elizabeth PFLIGER

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Descendants of Anton KUNTZ

1 Anton KUNTZ
      2 Mathias KUNTZ
        =Elizabeth KAMBEITZ  Marriage: 2 Nov 1884, Kandel, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Gregor KUNTZ
              =Magdalena BOHN  Marriage: 1914, , , Russia
            3 George KUNTZ
              =Molly EHILE  Marriage: 8 Feb 1916
            3 Agatha KUNTZ
              =Wilhelm GUNDERMAN
            3 Mathias "Matt" KUNTZ
              =Veronica STRADESKI  Marriage: Apr 1926
            3 Joseph KUNTZ
              =Helen SCHLOSSER

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Descendants of Anton KUNTZ

1 Anton KUNTZ
  =Loretta LACHER

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Ancestors of Anton KUNTZ

        /-Roman Roy KUNTZ
        |         /-Joseph J BINSTOCK
        \-Rose M BINSTOCK
                  \-Josephina FRENZEL

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Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

                            /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  /-Joseph KUNTZ
                  |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        /-Jacob Joseph KUNTZ
        |         \-Maria Eva VOGT
Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
        |         /-Michael MASTEL
        \-Theresia MASTEL
                  \-Margaret MARTIAN

Descendants of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
  =Edna SIELER  Marriage: 18 Oct 1940
      2 Gerald John KUNTZ
        =Linda Irene WEICKUM
            3 Scott Anthony KUNTZ
            3 Karil KUNTZ
      2 Marie Antoinett KUNTZ
        =Theodore LUCIUS
            3 Trevor LUCIUS
            3 Andrea LUCIUS

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Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

                            /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  /-Johannes KUNTZ
                  |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        /-Valentine KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Franz SCHAAN
        |         \-Katharina SCHAAN
        |                   \-Margaretha SCHIFFMACHER
Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
        |                   /-Sebastian REISS
        |         /-George REIS
        |         |         \-Katherine LEIER
        \-Theresa REIS
                  \-Theresa MARTIAN

Descendants of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
  =Eleanor WIESNER
      2 Ralph KUNTZ
      2 Donna Mae KUNTZ
        =Larry Joseph DEGELMAN
            3 Heath John DEGELMAN
            3 Craig George Anthony DEGELMAN
            3 Dody Larry DEGELMAN
      2 Brenda KUNTZ
        = SISCO

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Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

                  /-Simon KUNTZ
        /-Nicodemus "Nick" KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Johann DUKART
        |         \-Monika DUKART
        |                   \-Margaretha RIEDINGER
Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
        |         /-Lawrence WOCK
        \-Franziska "Frances" WOCK
                  \-Veronica WOLF

Descendants of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
  =Anita Gail WALTERS
      2 Shannon KUNTZ
        =Joseph FRITZ
      2 Steve KUNTZ
      2 Ryan M KUNTZ
        =Lisa STEFFAN
            3 Mason KUNTZ
            3 Mikayla KUNTZ
              =Cole BINSTOCK
      2 Ann KUNTZ
        =David WOOD
      2 Marty KUNTZ
        = STEIDL
      2 Jody KUNTZ
      2 Don KUNTZ

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Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

        /-Jacob KUNTZ
Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
        \-Katherine DIEWOOD

Descendants of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
  =Catherine SCHWARTZ
      2 Dorothy KUNTZ
        =Tony SEIFERLING
      2 Joan KUNTZ
        =Rudy ZIMMER
      2 Lorraine KUNTZ
        =Wilbert YOUNG
      2 Paulette KUNTZ
        =Don FROH
      2 Hilda KUNTZ
        =Ed STAUDT
      2 Carrina KUNTZ
        = SELINGER
      2 Jane KUNTZ
        =Patrick OTTE
      2 Clara KUNTZ
        =Gary FLOTERMESCH

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Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ

                  /-Nikolaus KUNTZ
        /-Joseph R KUNTZ
        |         |         /-John VOGEL
        |         \-Magdalena VOGEL
        |                   \-Elizabeth FRIESZ
Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ
        |         /-Peter FROHLICH
        \-Rose FROHLICH
                  \-Barbara BLETH

Descendants of Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ
  =Lenora SCHEKORSKY  Marriage: 3 Jul 1950, Mandan, Morton, ND

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