Magdalena KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdalena KUNTZ

                  /-Vinzens KUNTZ
        /-George KUNTZ
        |         \-Barbara GARRECHT
Magdalena KUNTZ
        |                   /-Ruppert (Robert) FEIST
        |         /-Michael K FEIST
        |         |         \-Francisca FETTIG
        \-Catharina FEIST
                  |         /-Andreas BURGHARDT
                  \-Katherine BURGHARDT
                            \-Magdelena HOLTER

Descendants of Magdalena KUNTZ

1 Magdalena KUNTZ
  =Abraham GLASS
      2 Georgette GLASS
        =Kenneth GRENZ
            3 Tammy Kay GRENZ
              =Wade WALL Jr
            3 Nikki GRENZ
              =Chris SCOUTEN
      2 Renee GLASS
        =Dan SIMS
      2 Clarice GLASS
      2 Michael GLASS
      2 Joseph GLASS

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Magdalena KUNTZ

Descendants of Magdalena KUNTZ

1 Magdalena KUNTZ
  =Nicholas HEISLER

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Magdalena KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdalena KUNTZ

        /-Peter KUNTZ
Magdalena KUNTZ
        |                   /-Johannes George ZIEGLER
        |         /-George Heinrich ZIEGLER
        |         |         \-Anna Marie ZIEGE
        \-Anna ZIEGLER
                  \-Magdalena WAGNER

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Magdalena "Madge" Delores KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdalena "Madge" Delores KUNTZ

                  /-Simon KUNTZ
        /-Nicodemus "Nick" KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Johann DUKART
        |         \-Monika DUKART
        |                   \-Margaretha RIEDINGER
Magdalena "Madge" Delores KUNTZ
        |         /-Lawrence WOCK
        \-Franziska "Frances" WOCK
                  \-Veronica WOLF

Descendants of Magdalena "Madge" Delores KUNTZ

1 Magdalena "Madge" Delores KUNTZ
  =Anthony "Tony" F STEFANATZ  Marriage: 31 Jan 1939, , , MT
      2 Louise STEFANATZ
        =Larry SLATTER
      2 Fay STEFANATZ
        =Vince WILLIAMS
      2 Sandra STEFANATZ
        =Bill HOUK

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Magdalene KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdalene KUNTZ

        /-Michael KUNTZ
Magdalene KUNTZ
        \-Mary Ann "Marion" JUDT

Descendants of Magdalene KUNTZ

1 Magdalene KUNTZ
  =Mathias BERGER

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Magdalene R KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdalene R KUNTZ

        /-Leopold A KUNTZ
Magdalene R KUNTZ
        \-Elizabeth SCHEELER

Descendants of Magdalene R KUNTZ

1 Magdalene R KUNTZ
  =Julian C WEINZETL
      2 Julian WEINZETL
      2 Juliet WEINZETL

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Magdalene Veronica KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdalene Veronica KUNTZ

        /-Joseph KUNTZ
Magdalene Veronica KUNTZ
        |                   /-Johann GABRIEL
        |         /-Michael GABRIEL
        \-Emilia GABRIEL
                  |         /-Johann SCHLICK
                  \-Katharina SCHLICK
                            \-Margaretha KRAMER

Descendants of Magdalene Veronica KUNTZ

1 Magdalene Veronica KUNTZ
  =Francus "Frank" Bernard LACHER  Marriage: 12 Oct 1940, Aberdeen, Brown, SD
      2 Jerome "Jerry" Francis Joseph LACHER
        =Shirley WAGENAAR
            3 Jessica LACHER
              =Jeff ANDRIST
            3 Cassandra LACHER
              =Kenneth CHRISTENSEN
      2 Caroline Regina Ann LACHER
      2 Linda Kay Verna LACHER
        =Gary HUETTL
      2 Darlene Ann LACHER
      2 Ronald Joseph LACHER

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Magdaline KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdaline KUNTZ

        /-Paul KUNTZ
Magdaline KUNTZ
        |         /-Friedricus ASSEL
        \-Elisabeth ASSEL
                  \-Elizbetha LORAN

Descendants of Magdaline KUNTZ

1 Magdaline KUNTZ
      2 Jacob SCHWARTZ
        =Eva LIPP  Marriage: 26 Nov 1940, Solen, , ND
            3 Karen SCHWARTZ
              =Leslie BAUMGARTNER
            3 Kay SCHWARTZ
              =Bruce VETTER
            3 Kathy SCHWARTZ
              =Doug SIMPFENDERFER
            3 Ken SCHWARTZ
            3 Kirk SCHWARTZ
      2 Celestina SCHWARTZ
        =Joseph Benjamin SAUTNER
      2 Paul SCHWARTZ
      2 Thomas SCHWARTZ
      2 Katherine "Katie" SCHWARTZ
        =Anton P HEINTZ  Marriage: 22 Oct 1940, Odense, Morton, ND
            3 Leona HEINTZ
              =Nick HEINERT
            3 Lillian HEINTZ
              =Gerald M REIS  Marriage: 5 Nov 1966
            3 LaVon "Bonnie" HEINTZ
              =Darryl HATZENBUHLER
      2 Adam Alphonse SCHWARTZ
      2 John SCHWARTZ
        =Ann KUNTZ
            3 Deborah SCHWARTZ
            3 Terry SCHWARTZ
            3 Sharon SCHWARTZ
            3 Time SCHWARTZ
      2 Leo SCHWARTZ
      2 Elizabeth SCHWARTZ
        = KUNTZ
      2 Josephine SCHWARTZ
        = LEINGANG

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Magdaline "Maggie" KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdaline "Maggie" KUNTZ

        /-Valentine D KUNTZ
Magdaline "Maggie" KUNTZ
        |         /-Jan "John" DOLECHEK
        \-Mary DOLECHEK
                  \-Anna ROLLER

Descendants of Magdaline "Maggie" KUNTZ

1 Magdaline "Maggie" KUNTZ
  =Albert Frank PACHL  Marriage: 9 Sep 1953, South Heart, Stark, ND
      2 Gayle Ann PACHL
        = CALISHIRE
      2 Doreen PACHL
      2 Albert PACHL Jr

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Magdelena "Madge" KUNTZ

Ancestors of Magdelena "Madge" KUNTZ

                            /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  /-Johannes KUNTZ
                  |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        /-Valentine KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Franz SCHAAN
        |         \-Katharina SCHAAN
        |                   \-Margaretha SCHIFFMACHER
Magdelena "Madge" KUNTZ
        |                   /-Sebastian REISS
        |         /-George REIS
        |         |         \-Katherine LEIER
        \-Theresa REIS
                  \-Theresa MARTIAN

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Maggie KUNTZ

Ancestors of Maggie KUNTZ

                  /-Nikolaus KUNTZ
        /-Joseph R KUNTZ
        |         |         /-John VOGEL
        |         \-Magdalena VOGEL
        |                   \-Elizabeth FRIESZ
Maggie KUNTZ
        |         /-Peter FROHLICH
        \-Rose FROHLICH
                  \-Barbara BLETH

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Mahias "Matt" M KUNTZ

Ancestors of Mahias "Matt" M KUNTZ

        /-Mathias KUNTZ
Mahias "Matt" M KUNTZ
        |         /-Ernest BARNHARD
        \-Rose J BARNHARD
                  |         /-Anton WETSCH
                  \-Regina WETSCH
                            \-Katharina ZERR

Descendants of Mahias "Matt" M KUNTZ

1 Mahias "Matt" M KUNTZ
      2 Sarah KUNTZ
        =Austin ARBACH
      2 Rachel KUNTZ
        =Paul HARTMAN
      2 Sandra KUNTZ
        =Chris SAGERS
      2 Rebecca KUNTZ
        =Garrett MASSEY
      2 Rhonda KUNTZ
        =Chad HANSON
      2 Samantha KUNTZ
        =Justin SEIFERT

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Marcia KUNTZ

Ancestors of Marcia KUNTZ

                            /-Vinzens KUNTZ
                  /-George KUNTZ
                  |         \-Barbara GARRECHT
        /-Michael A KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Michael K FEIST
        |         \-Catharina FEIST
        |                   \-Katherine BURGHARDT
Marcia KUNTZ
        |         /-Henry Edward MAGRUM
        \-Martha Marion MAGRUM
                  \-Bertha RINGIUS

Descendants of Marcia KUNTZ

1 Marcia KUNTZ
  =Douglas SCHNEIDER
      2 Shawn Michael SCHNEIDER
      2 Amber Nicole SCHNEIDER

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Margaret KUNTZ

Ancestors of Margaret KUNTZ

                            /-Georgii Heinrich KUNTZ
                  /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  |         \-Margaretha SCHLOER
        /-Johannes KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Martin LEIER
        |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        |                   \-Katharina SCHIEFER
Margaret KUNTZ
        |                   /-Nicolaus SCHAAN
        |         /-Franz SCHAAN
        |         |         \-Barbara GEREIN
        \-Katharina SCHAAN
                  |         /-Joseph SCHIFFMACHER
                  \-Margaretha SCHIFFMACHER
                            \-Magdalena VOLCK

Descendants of Margaret KUNTZ

1 Margaret KUNTZ
  =John RINK  Marriage: 19 May 1913
      2 Frank Xavier RINK
        =Catherine SEIBOLD  Marriage: 17 Feb 1936
            3 Ronald James RINK
            3 Frances RINK
            3 Marjorie RINK
            3 Joan RINK
            3 Marilyn RINK
            3 Gloria RINK
      2 Anton RINK
        =Clara RIPPLINGER  Marriage: 1947
            3 Rick RINK
      2 Daniel Jay RINK
        =Peggy GARDNER
      2 Magdalena RINK
        =Anton Richard DELWO  Marriage: 1 Oct 1940
      2 Joseph RINK
        =Ida DELWO
      2 Wendalin RINK
      2 Bernard RINK
        =Uskat Ikga SALAVICH
      2 John RINK
        =Kathleen EHMAN

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Margaret KUNTZ

Ancestors of Margaret KUNTZ

                            /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  /-Joseph KUNTZ
                  |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        /-Adam KUNTZ
        |         \-Maria Eva VOGT
Margaret KUNTZ
        |         /-Frank Joseph USSELMAN
        \-Eve USSELMAN

Descendants of Margaret KUNTZ

1 Margaret KUNTZ
  =Leo HECK  Marriage: 19 Oct 1936
      2 Joseph HECK
        =Maxine MITCHELL
            3 Markus Joseph HECK
            3 Stuart Robert HECK
            3 Miles HECK
      2 Ethelbert HECK
        =Eileen SITTER
            3 Daryl HECK

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Margaret KUNTZ

Ancestors of Margaret KUNTZ

                  /-Nicolaus KUNTZ
        /-Valentine KUNTZ
        |         \-Helena ROETHER
Margaret KUNTZ
        \-Florentine "Florence" SHAFF

Descendants of Margaret KUNTZ

1 Margaret KUNTZ
  =Larry OLSON

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Margaret KUNTZ

Ancestors of Margaret KUNTZ

                  /-Jacob Peter KUNTZ
        /-Peter KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Peter SCHELL
        |         \-Elizabeth SCHELL
        |                   \-Anna HEILMANN
Margaret KUNTZ
        \-Norma PERKINS

Descendants of Margaret KUNTZ

1 Margaret KUNTZ
  =Garnet WILHELM

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Margaret KUNTZ

Ancestors of Margaret KUNTZ

                            /-Georg Valentin KUNTZ
                  /-Johannes KUNTZ
                  |         \-Anna Maria LEIER
        /-Valentine KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Franz SCHAAN
        |         \-Katharina SCHAAN
        |                   \-Margaretha SCHIFFMACHER
Margaret KUNTZ
        |                   /-Sebastian REISS
        |         /-George REIS
        |         |         \-Katherine LEIER
        \-Theresa REIS
                  \-Theresa MARTIAN

Descendants of Margaret KUNTZ

1 Margaret KUNTZ
  =Henry G OSWALD

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Margaret KUNTZ

Ancestors of Margaret KUNTZ

        /-Simon KUNTZ
Margaret KUNTZ
        \-Maria Eva HAAF

Descendants of Margaret KUNTZ

1 Margaret KUNTZ
  =John L STICKA

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Margaret KUNTZ

Ancestors of Margaret KUNTZ

        /-Innozenz KUNTZ
Margaret KUNTZ
        |         /-Joseph EMINETH
        \-Eva EMINETH
                  |         /-William BOEHM
                  \-Margaret BOEHM
                            \-Mary Eva BARNHARDT

Descendants of Margaret KUNTZ

1 Margaret KUNTZ
  =Carl BOSCH  Marriage: 4 May 1963, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
      2 Patty BOSCH
        =David OWENS

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