Catherine SCHERR

Ancestors of Catherine SCHERR

        /-Peter SCHERR
Catherine SCHERR
        |                   /-Franz MILLER
        |         /-Franz MILLER
        |         |         \-Catherina WEISSBECK
        \-Magdalene MILLER
                  |         /-Mathias VOLCK
                  \-Margaretha VOLK
                            \-Margaret SILBERNAGEL

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Catherine "Kay" SCHERR

Ancestors of Catherine "Kay" SCHERR

        /-Adam SCHERR
Catherine "Kay" SCHERR
        |         /-Mathias WEISBECK
        \-Margaretha WEISBECK
                  |         /-Johannes Georg VETTER
                  \-Magdalena VETTER
                            \-Marian BOECHLER

Descendants of Catherine "Kay" SCHERR

1 Catherine "Kay" SCHERR
  =Robert R MURRY  Marriage: 27 Sep 1947, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
      2 Dolores "Dee" MURRY
        = NERBUN
            3 Amy NERBUN
              =Greg WARING
            3 Holly NERBUN
            3 Emily NERBUN
              =Tim AGEE
            3 Patrick NERBUN
      2 Carol MURRY
        = SLAPINSKI
            3 Taylor SLAPINSKI
            3 Craig SLAPINSKI

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Cecelia SCHERR

Ancestors of Cecelia SCHERR

                  /-Anton SCHERR
        /-Wendelin SCHERR
        |         |         /-Peter Paul EISENZIMMER
        |         \-Maria Eva EISENZIMMER
        |                   \-Mary Eva KELLER
Cecelia SCHERR
        |         /-Anton BURKHARD
        \-Barbara BURKHARD
                  |         /-Jacob MILTENBERGER
                  \-Katherine MILTENBURGER
                            \-Barbara VOELLER

Descendants of Cecelia SCHERR

1 Cecelia SCHERR
  =Ralph DUBOVOY

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Cerella SCHERR

Ancestors of Cerella SCHERR

        /-Matt SCHERR
Cerella SCHERR
        |                   /-Andrew GEFFRE
        |         /-Andrew A GEFFRE
        |         |         \-Mary UBELHEAR
        \-Alvina C GEFFRE
                  |         /-Anton HULM
                  \-Otilia HULM
                            \-Cecelia WAGNER

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Charles (Chuck) SCHERR

Ancestors of Charles (Chuck) SCHERR

                  /-Peter SCHERR
        /-Bernard Martin SCHERR
        |         |         /-Franz MILLER
        |         \-Magdalene MILLER
        |                   \-Margaretha VOLK
Charles (Chuck) SCHERR
        \-Edith KELLY

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Charles Alexander SCHERR

Ancestors of Charles Alexander SCHERR

                  /-Henry SCHERR
        /-Valentine "Walter" SCHERR
        |         \-Katherine ZACHER
Charles Alexander SCHERR
        |                   /-Rudolph BOEHM
        |         /-Frank BOEHM
        |         |         \-Elizabeth COOBER
        \-Elizabeth Aloise BOEHM
                  |         /-Martin LEIER
                  \-Margaret LEIER
                            \-Magdalene GEREIN

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Charles C SCHERR

Ancestors of Charles C SCHERR

                            /-Michael SCHERR II
                  /-Michael SCHERR III
                  |         \-Frances STAHL
        /-Carl SCHERR
        |         |         /-August WELK
        |         \-Regina WELK
        |                   \-Maria Eva HOLZER
Charles C SCHERR
        |                   /-Michael GLASS
        |         /-Nickolaus GLASS
        |         |         \-Franciska HAGER
        \-Margarethe "Margaret" GLASS
                  \-Gertrude "Gerdie" JUNG

Descendants of Charles C SCHERR

1 Charles C SCHERR
  =Dianna HUBER
      2 Brenda SCHERR
        =James BURGMEIER
      2 Glen SCHERR
      2 Bruce SCHERR
      2 Debra SCHERR
        =Kevin BURGEY

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Ancestors of Cheri SCHERR

                            /-Joseph SCHERR
                  /-Michael SCHERR
                  |         \-Christine LEIBLENAER
        /-John SCHERR
        |         |         /-Michael GLATT II
        |         \-Johanna GLATT
        |                   \-Katherina FAITH
        \-Anna Mae BERGER

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Ancestors of Chris SCHERR

                            /-Michael SCHERR
                  /-Adam SCHERR
        /-Kasper SCHERR
        |         \-Katherine MASSET
        \-Anna Marie HOFF

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Descendants of Chris SCHERR

1 Chris SCHERR
  =Mary KRUMM
      2 Mary M SCHERR
        =Maxmillian "Max" M NAGEL
            3 Marvin NAGEL
            3 Jerome NAGEL
      2 Terrance "Terry" SCHERR
        =Lucille "Lucy" GROSS
            3 Kelly SCHERR
              =Valerie JAHNER
            3 Troy SCHERR
              =Shari WEBER
            3 Shelly A SCHERR
              =Troy WAGNER
              =Greg VOLK
            3 Terry Jay SCHERR Jr
            3 Krisy SCHERR
              =Michael E RYCKMAN
            3 Tiffany SCHERR
              =Jeremy KUNTZ

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Ancestors of Chris SCHERR

                            /-Leonard SCHERR
                  /-Sebastian SCHERR
                  |         \-Theresa REINBOLD
        /-Virgil SCHERR
        |         |         /-Simon B EHNES
        |         \-Marian EHNES
        |                   \-Anna Mary LEBOLDUS
        \-Dotty HABERER

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Ancestors of Chris SCHERR

                            /-Wendelyn SCHERR
                  /-Sebastian SCHERR
                  |         \-Anna Marie BERTSCH
        /-Otto SCHERR
        |         |         /-Michael BRAUN II
        |         \-Natalia BRAUN
        |                   \-Katharina BACHMEIER
        |                   /-Christian SENGER
        |         /-Wendelin C SENGER
        |         |         \-Marianna SCHERR
        \-Betty A SENGER
                  |         /-Martin AXTMAN
                  \-Gertrude AXTMANN
                            \-Walburga WERRAN

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Ancestors of Chris SCHERR

                            /-Michael SCHERR III
                  /-Clemans SCHERR
                  |         \-Regina WELK
        /-Lawrence C SCHERR
        |         |         /-Joseph VETTER
        |         \-Josephine VETTER
        |                   \-Eva BROTZEL
        \-Bertha SCHLICHENMAYER

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Descendants of Chris SCHERR

1 Chris SCHERR

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Christina SCHERR

Ancestors of Christina SCHERR

                            /-Michael SCHERR
                  /-Michael SCHERR II
        /-Michael SCHERR III
        |         \-Frances STAHL
Christina SCHERR
        |                   /-Joannes Casparus WELK
        |         /-August WELK
        |         |         \-Magdalena GUTENBERG
        \-Regina WELK
                  \-Maria Eva HOLZER

Descendants of Christina SCHERR

1 Christina SCHERR
  =Mathias GLASS  Marriage: Nov 1923
      2 Aloysius "Ole" GLASS
        =Anna Mary C KRAFT  Marriage: 10 Mar 1947, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
            3 Jeanine GLASS
            3 Lawrence "Larry" GLASS
            3 Adam GLASS
            3 MaryAnn GLASS
            3 Bernadette "Bernie" GLASS
            3 Ronald GLASS
            3 Caroline GLASS
      2 Pius GLASS
        =Floretta SEHN  Marriage: 9 Sep 1952, Linton, Emmons, ND
            3 Lee Ann GLASS
              =Ronald BECKER
            3 Tim GLASS
              =Joni ANDERSON
            3 Ken GLASS
            3 Bonnie GLASS
              =Jeff TEMPLE
      2 Edmund "Eddie" GLASS
        =Isabella ROHRICH  Marriage: 22 Nov 1949, Linton, Emmons, ND
            3 Janet GLASS
              =Sterling KELLER
            3 Sherri GLASS
            3 Liz GLASS
            3 Kevin GLASS
              =Jill JARAN
            3 Mark GLASS
            3 Clyde GLASS
      2 Lorraine GLASS
        = PULKOWNIK
      2 Eugene GLASS
        =Lavern M BAUMGARTNER  Marriage: 25 Jun 1962, St Peter & Paul Cem. Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Bruce GLASS
            3 Joseph GLASS
            3 Karen GLASS
              =Rick WANNER
      2 Andrew GLASS
      2 Victor GLASS
      2 Melvin GLASS
      2 Fran GLASS
        =Tim GRAF
      2 Alvina GLASS
        =Eugene SCHELL
            3 Wayne SCHELL
            3 Gary SCHELL
            3 Dean SCHELL
            3 Daryl SCHELL
            3 Jackie SCHELL
              =George PRESTON
      2 Christine GLASS
      2 Peter GLASS

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Christina SCHERR

Ancestors of Christina SCHERR

                  /-Michael SCHERR
        /-Adam SCHERR
Christina SCHERR
        \-Katherine MASSET

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Christina SCHERR

Descendants of Christina SCHERR

1 Christina SCHERR
      2 John A BAUMGARTNER
        =Maria GEILFUSSE  Marriage: 20 Jan 1905
            3 Anna Marie BAUMGARTNER
              =Wendelin SCHLOSSER  Marriage: 22 Oct 1934, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Pius J BAUMGARTNER
              =Anna Marie JOCHIM  Marriage: 21 May 1946, Krassna, , ND
            3 Jacob "Jake" BAUMGARTNER
              =Agnes Aggie" DOSCH  Marriage: 29 Sep 1941, Sts Peter and Paul Ch., Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Elizabetha BAUMGARTNER
            3 Peter BAUMGARTNER
              =Louise TERNES
            3 Eleanore BAUMGARTNER
              =Peter SWENKO
            3 Albert R BAUMGARTNER
              =Christine DERINGER  Marriage: 12 Jan 1948, Krassna, , ND
            3 Stephanius BAUMGARTNER
            3 Martha BAUMGARTNER
              =Kenneth JACOBER
      2 Anton A BAUMGARTNER
        =Adelaide ROEHRICH  Marriage: 10 Nov 1910, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Christine BAUMGARTNER
              =John D FEIST  Marriage: 27 Mar 1936, Yakima, Yakima, WA
            3 Max BAUMGARTNER
              =Cecilia SCHELL  Marriage: 5 Aug 1942, Bremerton, , WA
            3 Theresa BAUMGARTNER
              =Michael BURGAD  Marriage: 27 May 1936
            3 Elizabeth BAUMGARTNER
              =Emanuel Leo KAUTZMAN
            3 Alphonse BAUMGARTNER
              =Capitola BOWSE
            3 Joseph BAUMGARTNER
              =Catherine ERHARDT
            3 Irene BAUMGARTNER
              = PENNINGTON
            3 Steve BAUMGARTNER
            3 Josephine BAUMGARTNER
              = PAULSON
        =Joseph HARTZE  Marriage: 18 Nov 1907, St John's Ch. rural Zeland, McIntosh, ND
            3 Andrew HARTZE
            3 Michael HARTZE
            3 Christine HARTZE
              =Herbert "Herb" G CZECZOK  Marriage: 17 Nov 1941, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
            3 Jacob HARTZE
            3 Francis J HARTZE
            3 Clara H HARTZE
              =Arthur Simon HUBER
            3 Bernadine "Bernie" D HARTZE
              = KENDALL
      2 Ventlen BAUMGARTNER
      2 Sebastian BAUMGARTNER
        =Magdalena GROSS  Marriage: Nov 1913, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Adam BAUMGARTNER
            3 Stephina BAUMGARTNER
              =Pius BIEGLER
            3 Peter BAUMGARTNER
              =Katherine GEIER  Marriage: 22 Sep 1942, Columbus, , GA
              =Luella MITZEL
            3 Sebastian BAUMGARTNER Jr
              =Rosalie Marie GEIER  Marriage: 1943
            3 Christine P BAUMGARTNER
              =Ernest E DUNTON Jr
            3 Wendlin "Wendy" Paul BAUMGARTNER
              =Donna Marie HEIM  Marriage: 23 May 1946, Faulkton, Faulk, SD
            3 Conrad BAUMGARTNER
              =Constance L
            3 Anton BAUMGARTNER
            3 Margaret BAUMGARTNER
              = WARNER
            3 Katheen BAUMGARTNER
              =William MURRAY
            3 Mary Ann BAUMGARTNER
              = MCKAY
            3 Vernodette BAUMGARTNER
              =Roy ROSS
      2 Frank Jacob BAUMGARTNER
        =Magdaline Cecelia FIX  Marriage: Aug 1914
            3 Leo F BAUMGARTNER
            3 Jacob F BAUMGARTNER
              =Bessie ARDELL  Marriage: 15 Jun 1943
        =Mary F STACH  Marriage: 3 Jun 1919, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Eugene F BAUMGARTNER
              =Barbara ZACHER  Marriage: 30 Nov 1943, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Edward F BAUMGARTNER
              =Frances MILLER  Marriage: 2 Oct 1950, St Joseph's Ch., rural Linton, Emmons, ND
            3 Clara BAUMGARTNER
            3 Oscar BAUMGARTNER
              =Elizabeth "Betty" SCHERR  Marriage: 8 Nov 1947, St Anthonys Ch., Linton, Emmons, ND
              =Shirley Ann FISCHER  Marriage: 12 Dec 1975
            3 Angeline BAUMGARTNER
              =Felix MILLER  Marriage: 25 Jun 1946
            3 Luella BAUMGARTNER
            3 Frank Jacob BAUMGARTNER Jr
            3 Isabelle BAUMGARTNER
              =Duane R MOTZKO
            3 Adeline BAUMGARTNER
              = DUERSHERL
            3 Clarence F BAUMGARTNER
      2 Katherine BAUMGARTNER
        =John F ROEHRICH  Marriage: 13 Nov 1913, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Edward John ROHRICH
              =Luella Agnes IBACH
            3 Florine ROEHRICH
              =James W SANDMEYER  Marriage: 22 May 1957, Linton, Emmons, ND
            3 Leo J ROHRICH
              =Irene BAUMGARTNER
            3 Henry ROHRICH
            3 Hermina ROHRICH
              =Edward KELLY
            3 Eleanor ROHRICH
              =Jack SCHELL
            3 Bernadine ROHRICH
              =Hollis MCGILVERY
            3 Dianne ROHRICH
              = MUNSON
            3 Francis "Jack" ROHRICK
              =Florence Catherine GLASSER  Marriage: 23 May 1960, St Anthonys Ch., Linton, Emmons, ND
      2 Barbara BAUMGARTNER
        =Joseph WELK  Marriage: 21 Oct 1919, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Mary WELK
              =Louis WEIGEL  Marriage: 18 May 1942, Zelland, McIntosh, ND
            3 Gabriel "Gabe" Jacob WELK
              =Alisia "Alice" VETTER  Marriage: 30 Sep 1947, Hague, Emmons, ND
            3 Ermina WELK
              =Edmund Carl GROSS  Marriage: 24 Oct 1944, Hague, Emmons, ND
            3 Loretta WELK
              = JUNG
            3 Angeline WELK
            3 Delores WELK
              = KLINE
      2 Christine BAUMGARTNER
        =Bill ANGEL
      2 Jacob "Jake" J BAUMGARTNER
        =Florene EICHENBERG

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Christina SCHERR

Ancestors of Christina SCHERR

                            /-Adam SCHERR
                  /-Wendelyn SCHERR
                  |         \-Katherine MASSET
        /-Sebastian SCHERR
        |         \-Anna Marie BERTSCH
Christina SCHERR
        |         /-Michael BRAUN II
        \-Natalia BRAUN
                  \-Katharina BACHMEIER

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Christina SCHERR

Ancestors of Christina SCHERR

                            /-Michael SCHERR II
                  /-Michael SCHERR III
                  |         \-Frances STAHL
        /-Valentine SCHERR
        |         |         /-August WELK
        |         \-Regina WELK
        |                   \-Maria Eva HOLZER
Christina SCHERR
        |                   /-Karl SCHWEITZER Sr
        |         /-Andreas SCHWEITZER
        |         |         \-Magdalena SCHWAN
        \-Franciska "Frances" SCHWEITZER
                  |         /-Antone SCHLOSSER
                  \-Christina SCHLOSSER
                            \-Dorothy KESSLER

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Christina SCHERR

Ancestors of Christina SCHERR

                            /-Michael SCHERR
                  /-Adam SCHERR
        /-Joseph SCHERR
        |         \-Katherine MASSET
Christina SCHERR
        \-Christine LEIBLENAER

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