Adelheid WANGLER

Ancestors of Adelheid WANGLER

        /-Xavier WANGLER
Adelheid WANGLER
        |                   /-Johannes Hans Adam HEINTZ
        |         /-Franz Anton HEINTZ
        |         |         \-Anna Maria HEINTZ
        \-Barbara HEINTZ
                  \-Katharina ENGELHARDT

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Ancestors of Agatha WANGLER

                  /-Wendelin WANGLER
        /-Anton A WANGLER
        |         \-Magdalena SCHOCH
        |                   /-Matthaus GROSS
        |         /-Johannes"John" GROSS
        |         |         \-Francisca EBERLE
        \-Magdalena GROSS
                  |         /-Andreas LATURNUS
                  \-Benidicta LATURNUS
                            \-Magdalena SCHNEIDER

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Ancestors of Agatha WANGLER

                  /-Wendelin WANGLER
        /-Wendelyn WANGLER
        |         \-Magdalena SCHOCH
        |         /-Adam A ZERR
        \-Elisabeth ZERR
                  \-Magdelena GOETZ

Descendants of Agatha WANGLER

1 Agatha WANGLER
  =Stanislaus "Stanis" S WALD  Marriage: 13 Oct 1925, Kintyre, , ND
      2 Elizabeth "Betty" WALD
        =Valentine (Val) FETTIG  Marriage: 16 Jun 1947, Napoleon, Logan, ND
            3 Barbara FETTIG
              = ZIMMERMAN
            3 Stanley FETTIG
            3 Cleo FETTIG
              =Barry HALM
            3 Darcy FETTIG
              =Kathy FEIST
            3 Darwin FETTIG
      2 Phyllis WALD
        =Henry J VOLK
            3 Henrietta VOLK
              = ORR
            3 Gary VOLK
            3 Stan VOLK
      2 Victor WALD
        =Barbara REIS  Marriage: 1954, St Boniface Ch., Near Kintyre, ND
            3 John WALD
              =Carmen RATH
            3 Greg WALD
            3 Jeff WALD
            3 Vicki WALD
              =Steve THOMAS
            3 Victor WALD Jr
            3 Valerie WALD
              =Joseph "Joe" MILLER
      2 Anna Marie WALD
        =Norman BALLARD

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Ancestors of Agatha WANGLER

        /-Wendelin WANGLER
        \-Magdalena SCHOCH

Descendants of Agatha WANGLER

1 Agatha WANGLER
  =Anton SANDER Sr
      2 Anton "Tony" J SANDER
        =Anne FITTERER  Marriage: 28 Nov 1940, Wilkie, SK, Canada
      2 Joseph SANDER
      2 Stephen F SANDER

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Ancestors of Agatha WANGLER

                            /-Wendelin WANGLER
                  /-Anton A WANGLER
                  |         \-Magdalena SCHOCH
        /-John A WANGLER
        |         |         /-Johannes"John" GROSS
        |         \-Magdalena GROSS
        |                   \-Benidicta LATURNUS
        |                   /-Franz GLATT
        |         /-Wilhelm "William" GLATT
        |         |         \-Clara Margaretha SCHUMACHER
        \-Clara GLATT
                  \-Elizabeth ZAHN

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Descendants of Al WANGLER


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Ancestors of Aleaha WANGLER

                  /-Anthony "Tony" WANGLER
        /-Derek WANGLER
        |         |         /-Leo UNSER
        |         \-Rita Stella UNSER
        |                   \-Kenegunda BAUMSTARCK

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Ancestors of Alice WANGLER

                  /-John WANGLER
        /-Jacob "Jake" WANGLER
        |         |         /-Jacob HEISLER
        |         \-Johanna HEISLER
        |                   \-Elizabeth
        |                   /-Wendeline PFEIFFER
        |         /-Walter PFEIFFER
        |         |         \-Magdaline SENGER
        \-Caroline PFEIFFER

Descendants of Alice WANGLER

  =Jack MAY

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Alois "Al" WANGLER

Ancestors of Alois "Al" WANGLER

                            /-Wendelin WANGLER
                  /-Anton A WANGLER
                  |         \-Magdalena SCHOCH
        /-Valentine WANGLER
        |         |         /-Johannes"John" GROSS
        |         \-Magdalena GROSS
        |                   \-Benidicta LATURNUS
Alois "Al" WANGLER
        |                   /-Sebastian WALD Sr
        |         /-Markus S WALD
        |         |         \-Elizabeth SCHWEITZER
        \-Maria Anna WALD
                  \-Marianna BERNHARDT

Descendants of Alois "Al" WANGLER

1 Alois "Al" WANGLER
  =Erlen LANG
      2 Kevin WANGLER
      2 Aaron WANGLER

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Alvin James WANGLER

Ancestors of Alvin James WANGLER

                            /-Wendelyn WANGLER
                  /-Wendelin W WANGLER III
                  |         \-Elisabeth ZERR
        /-Romaltus WANGLER
        |         |         /-Andreas "Andrew" GROSS
        |         \-Mary Eva GROSS
        |                   \-Veronica BITZ
Alvin James WANGLER
        |         /-Andrew WERNER
        \-Anna Mary WERNER
                  |         /-Johannes VETTER
                  \-Anna Mary VETTER
                            \-Anna Marie SCHMALTZ

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Ancestors of Andrew WANGLER

                            /-Wendelin WANGLER
                  /-Wendelyn WANGLER
                  |         \-Magdalena SCHOCH
        /-Wendelin W WANGLER III
        |         |         /-Adam A ZERR
        |         \-Elisabeth ZERR
        |                   \-Magdelena GOETZ
        |                   /-Johannes"John" GROSS
        |         /-Andreas "Andrew" GROSS
        |         |         \-Benidicta LATURNUS
        \-Mary Eva GROSS
                  |         /-Longinus (Lunny) BITZ
                  \-Veronica BITZ
                            \-Alissa BOECHLER

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Ancestors of Andrew J WANGLER

                            /-Wendelin WANGLER
                  /-Anton A WANGLER
                  |         \-Magdalena SCHOCH
        /-Joseph WANGLER
        |         |         /-Johannes"John" GROSS
        |         \-Magdalena GROSS
        |                   \-Benidicta LATURNUS
        |                   /-Franz GLATT
        |         /-Wilhelm "William" GLATT
        |         |         \-Clara Margaretha SCHUMACHER
        \-Magdalena GLATT
                  \-Elizabeth ZAHN

Descendants of Andrew J WANGLER

1 Andrew J WANGLER
  =Cyrella D WALD  Marriage: 8 Oct 1962, Napoleon, Logan, ND
      2 Randy WANGLER
      2 Tammy WANGLER
        =Tom BARDUSON

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Ancestors of Angela WANGLER

        /-Anthony "Tony" WANGLER
        |                   /-Kaspar UNSER
        |         /-Leo UNSER
        |         |         \-Josephina BAUMGARTNER
        \-Rita Stella UNSER
                  |         /-Adam BAUMSTARCK
                  \-Kenegunda BAUMSTARCK
                            \-Juliana VETTER

Descendants of Angela WANGLER

1 Angela WANGLER
  =Rodney GLASS
      2 Jordan GLASS
      2 Alexis GLASS

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Angeline WANGLER

Ancestors of Angeline WANGLER

        /-Conrad WANGLER
Angeline WANGLER
        |                   /-Konrad VOLK
        |         /-Frank C VOLK
        |         |         \-Barbara ABEL
        \-Elizabeth Rose VOLK
                  |         /-Peter WENTZ
                  \-Eva WENTZ
                            \-Katharina THOMAS

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Ancestors of Ann WANGLER

                  /-Johann WANGLER
        /-Joseph WANGLER
        |         \-Franziska DIETZ
        \-Maria Eva IBACH

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Anna Marie WANGLER

Ancestors of Anna Marie WANGLER

                  /-Peter WANGLER
        /-Mathias WANGLER
        |         \-Anna Maria WINGERTER
Anna Marie WANGLER
        |         /-Marion (Marinous) SENGER
        \-Magdalena SENGER
                  \-Magdalena DIETZ

Descendants of Anna Marie WANGLER

1 Anna Marie WANGLER
  =Clemens VOLK Jr
      2 Clemens Jerome VOLK
      2 Rosalie Elizabeth VOLK
        = BOCEK
            3 Darrell BOCEK
            3 Wayne BOCEK
            3 Charlene BOCEK
            3 Lisa BOCEK
              = MANEY
        =Harold Lee SCHRADER  Marriage: 1991
      2 Mary VOLK
        = SMITH
      2 Barbara VOLK
        = PATTERSON
      2 Sylvia VOLK
        = SQUIRE
      2 Jeanette VOLK
        = KROHN
      2 Lorraine VOLK
        = ALTEPETER
      2 Sheila VOLK
        = INGRAM
      2 Verrice VOLK
        =Michael Anthony BROSSART
            3 Elizabeth BROSSART
              =Michael "Mike" GJERDE
            3 Michael Benjamin BROSSART
            3 Rachael BROSSART
              =James ORMOND
            3 Rebekah BROSSART
              =Steven MAJKRAZAK
      2 Laura VOLK
        = BRADLEY
      2 Ray VOLK
      2 Ronald VOLK

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Anna Marie WANGLER

Ancestors of Anna Marie WANGLER

        /-Peter WANGLER
Anna Marie WANGLER
        \-Anna Maria WINGERTER

Descendants of Anna Marie WANGLER

1 Anna Marie WANGLER
  =Ferdinand HILZENDAGER
      2 Barbara HILZENDAGER
        =Bernard "Ben" SELENSKY  Marriage: 19 Feb 1917, St Anselm's Ch.  Fulda area, Pierce, ND
            3 Ann Marie SELENSKY
            3 Katherine SELENSKY
              =Louie J GRAD  Marriage: 23 Nov 1943, Rugby, Pierce, ND
            3 Frederick SELENSKY
              =Eva Elizabeth KOBLE  Marriage: 3 Apr 1961
            3 John SELENSKY
              =Marie WELK  Marriage: 24 Nov 1953
            3 Joseph L SELENSKY
              =Rose Mary LESMEISTER
            3 Jacob "Jake" SELENSKY
              =Alice VOELLER
            3 Frances Regina SELENSKY
              =Edward A HEILMAN  Marriage: 23 Oct 1956, Rugby, Pierce, ND
            3 Theresa Ann SELENSKY
              =Casper Christ BACHMEIER  Marriage: 6 May 1968, Rugby, Pierce, ND
            3 James Roy SELENSKY
              =Bernice Eva VOLK
            3 Edward Matthew SELENSKY
              =Elaine Marie VOLK
            3 Steven SELENSKY
              =Ann KRENZEL
      2 Balzar HILZENDAGER
        =Regina BISCHOFF  Marriage: 22 Oct 1923, St Anselm Ch. , Fulda area, Pierce County, ND
            3 Edward Paul HILZENDAGER
              =Helen M MOSSER
            3 Josephine "Josie" Marie HILZENDAGER
              =Emmanuel Nicholas HAGEL  Marriage: 19 Oct 1949, Rugby, Pierce, ND
            3 Leonard P HILZENDAGER
              =Josephine HAUCK  Marriage: 2 Jan 1961, Assumption Abbey, Richardton, ND
      2 Margaret HILZENDAGER
      2 Clara HILZENDAGER
      2 Magdalena "Lena" HILZENDAGER
        =Joseph HEILMAN  Marriage: 16 Apr 1936, St Anselm's Chr. Fulda, Pierce, ND
            3 Ramona HEILMAN
              =Pius BLACK
            3 Beatrice Marie HEILMAN
              =Omar P HAMNES  Marriage: 14 Feb 1960, Rugby, Pierce, ND
      2 John Lester HILZENDAGER
        =Bernice Virginia RITTERMAN  Marriage: 20 Aug 1934, Rugby, Pierce, ND
            3 Beverly A HILZENDAGER
              =John FEULING
            3 Victoria "Vicky" HILZENDAGER
              =Jeryl "Jerry" W HARMEL
            3 John "Butch" HILZENDAGER Jr
              =Susan CARLSON
      2 Matheus P HILZENDAGER
        =Barbara C HEILMAN  Marriage: 3 Oct 1933
            3 Rita HILZENDAGER
              =Richard Joseph WANGLER
            3 Elizabeth HILZENDAGER
            3 Duane HILZENDAGER
              =Helen SCHMALTZ
            3 Yvonne HILZENDAGER
              =Leo M SCHMALTZ  Marriage: 21 Feb 1955, St Anselm's, Fulda, Pierce, ND
            3 Donald Jacob HILZENDAGER
              =Dorothy KANE
            3 Janice HILZENDAGER
              =Jack L JAEGER  Marriage: 29 Feb 1960
            3 Dennis Peter HILZENDAGER
              =Margarete SACHET
              =Roxanne GRONIGAN
            3 David HILZENDAGER
            3 Lawrence HILZENDAGER
              =Patty HEISLER
      2 Anna Marie HILZENDAGER
        =Jacob Thomas HEILMAN  Marriage: 3 Oct 1933, St Anselm's Chr. Fulda, Pierce, ND
            3 Florence Anne HEILMAN
              =Joseph BICKLER
            3 Roger Dennit HEILMAN
              =Lois Marie FULLER
            3 Diane M HEILMAN
              =William G ENGLISH
      2 Jacob "Jack" HILZENDAGER
        =Cecilia Lucille SCHIFF
            3 Cecile Lucille HILZENDAGER
              =Robert Wayne SENGER  Marriage: 26 Nov 1958, Rugby, Pierce, ND
            3 Loretta HILZENDAGER
              =Robert JOHNSON
            3 Linda HILZENDAGER
              =Timothy Ray ESTES

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Anna Marie WANGLER

Ancestors of Anna Marie WANGLER

                            /-Wendelin WANGLER
                  /-Anton A WANGLER
                  |         \-Magdalena SCHOCH
        /-Valentine WANGLER
        |         |         /-Johannes"John" GROSS
        |         \-Magdalena GROSS
        |                   \-Benidicta LATURNUS
Anna Marie WANGLER
        |                   /-Sebastian WALD Sr
        |         /-Markus S WALD
        |         |         \-Elizabeth SCHWEITZER
        \-Maria Anna WALD
                  \-Marianna BERNHARDT

Descendants of Anna Marie WANGLER

1 Anna Marie WANGLER
  =Allyn A WALD
      2 Darin Thomas WALD
      2 Gregory Allyn WALD
      2 Renae Ann WALD

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Ancestors of Anna Mary WANGLER

                  /-Wendelin WANGLER
        /-Anton A WANGLER
        |         \-Magdalena SCHOCH
        |                   /-Matthaus GROSS
        |         /-Johannes"John" GROSS
        |         |         \-Francisca EBERLE
        \-Magdalena GROSS
                  |         /-Andreas LATURNUS
                  \-Benidicta LATURNUS
                            \-Magdalena SCHNEIDER

Descendants of Anna Mary WANGLER

1 Anna Mary WANGLER
  =Sebastian SCHWARTZENBERGER  Marriage: 11 Feb 1924, Kintyre, ND
        =Joseph B SCHUMACHER  Marriage: 23 Aug 1955, Linton, ND
            3 Mary SCHUMACHER
            3 Kenneth SCHUMACHER
        =Kathryn BOSCH
      2 Valentine SCHWARTZENBERGER
        =Alice M FISCHER  Marriage: ABT 1955
            3 James SCHWARTZENBERGER
            3 Patricia SCHWARTZENBERGER
              =Brian WUNSCH
            3 Michael SCHWARTZENBERGER
            3 Cindy SCHWARTZENBERGER
              =Billy MEYERS
            3 Diane SCHWARTZENBERGER
              =Dan NETZ
        =Shirley Mae FEIST
            3 Pamela SCHWARTZENBERGER
              =Jeffrey LAUBER
            3 William SCHWARTZENBERGER Jr
              =Kim HELDSTAB

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Ancestors of Anna Mary WANGLER

        /-Johannes WANGLER
        \-Barbara HOFFMANN

Descendants of Anna Mary WANGLER

1 Anna Mary WANGLER
  =Peter JANGULA  Marriage: 24 Nov 1914, Zeeland, McIntosh, ND
      2 Barbara JANGULA
        =Lester R PRESTON
            3 James PRESTON
            3 Ruby PRESTON
              = CLAFIN
            3 Shirley PRESTON
              = NETTROUER
      2 Elizabeth "Betty" JANGULA
        =Anton MEIER  Marriage: 5 Apr 1937, Linton, Emmons, ND
            3 Melvin MEIER
      2 Rose JANGULA
        =Sam BOLLINGER  Marriage: 26 Oct 1945, Yakima, Wa
            3 Lori BOLLINGER
              =Ernie ROEHRICH
            3 Milbert BOLLINGER
            3 Sandra BOLLINGER
              =Rod DURAN
            3 Bonnie BOLLINGER
            3 Michael BOLLINGER
      2 Magdalena Marie "Mickey" JANGULA
        =William Arther RICHMOND  Marriage: 1944
            3 Janice LaVonne RICHMOND
              =Cordell VAIL
        = HANSON
      2 Peter JANGULA Jr
        =Lucille Catherine WEBER  Marriage: 24 Nov 1951, Lansing, Allamakee, IA
            3 Catherine Mary JANGULA
      2 Katherine JANGULA
      2 Anny Mary JANGULA
        =Harry Alden BLOEDOW
            3 William Harr BLOEDOW

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