Levi "Bud" DAWSON

Ancestors of Levi "Bud" DAWSON

        /-Ralph A DAWSON
Levi "Bud" DAWSON
        \-OrA N HELMICK

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Descendants of Ralph A DAWSON

1 Ralph A DAWSON
      2 Levi "Bud" DAWSON
      2 Earl Ralph DAWSON
      2 Leslie Glen DAWSON
      2 Wendal DAWSON
        =Shirley HAGER
        =Naomi CUSIC
            3 Kelly DAWSON
            3 Jody DAWSON
      2 Clara DAWSON
        = SCHAFER

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Sarah Jane DAWSON

Ancestors of Sarah Jane DAWSON

        /-David Anthony DAWSON
Sarah Jane DAWSON
        |                   /-Arnold HANSON
        |         /-Wayne Arnold HANSON
        |         |         \-Rose Mary MATHERN
        \-Julie Gail HANSON
                  \-Carolyn Jan IDOM

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Descendants of Tim DAWSON

  =Kathlene "Kathy" MORRISON

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Ancestors of Wendal DAWSON

        /-Ralph A DAWSON
        \-OrA N HELMICK

Descendants of Wendal DAWSON

1 Wendal DAWSON
  =Shirley HAGER
  =Naomi CUSIC
      2 Kelly DAWSON
      2 Jody DAWSON

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Descendants of DAY

1  DAY
  =Lori SCHERR

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Anthony Steven DAY

Ancestors of Anthony Steven DAY

                            /-Mathias DAY
                  /-Robert Mathias DAY
                  |         \-Clara V. VOLK
        /-Wesley Lloyd DAY
        |         \-Mabel Adelaide DORY
Anthony Steven DAY
        \-Martha Jean AUSTIN

Descendants of Anthony Steven DAY

1 Anthony Steven DAY
  =Cynthia Lois TURNBULL
      2 Anthony Steven DAY
      2 Aubrey Scott DAY

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Anthony Steven DAY

Ancestors of Anthony Steven DAY

                            /-Robert Mathias DAY
                  /-Wesley Lloyd DAY
                  |         \-Mabel Adelaide DORY
        /-Anthony Steven DAY
        |         \-Martha Jean AUSTIN
Anthony Steven DAY
        \-Cynthia Lois TURNBULL

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Arthur "Art" Albert DAY

Ancestors of Arthur "Art" Albert DAY

        /-Thomas Arlington DAY
Arthur "Art" Albert DAY
        |         /-Charles A RAMUS
        \-Margaret A RAMUS
                  |         /-Johannes FABRY
                  \-Theresia M FABRY
                            \-Margaretha GIGLING

Descendants of Arthur "Art" Albert DAY

1 Arthur "Art" Albert DAY
  =Mamie Matilda ZASTROW

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Aubrey Scott DAY

Ancestors of Aubrey Scott DAY

                            /-Robert Mathias DAY
                  /-Wesley Lloyd DAY
                  |         \-Mabel Adelaide DORY
        /-Anthony Steven DAY
        |         \-Martha Jean AUSTIN
Aubrey Scott DAY
        \-Cynthia Lois TURNBULL

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Brian DAY

Descendants of Brian DAY

1 Brian DAY

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Brian Paul DAY

Ancestors of Brian Paul DAY

                            /-Mathias DAY
                  /-Robert Mathias DAY
                  |         \-Clara V. VOLK
        /-Claude Merle DAY
        |         \-Mabel Adelaide DORY
Brian Paul DAY
        \-Catherine Ann MCBRIDE

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Christopher Allen DAY

Ancestors of Christopher Allen DAY

                            /-Mathias DAY
                  /-Robert Mathias DAY
                  |         \-Clara V. VOLK
        /-Claude Merle DAY
        |         \-Mabel Adelaide DORY
Christopher Allen DAY
        \-Catherine Ann MCBRIDE

Descendants of Christopher Allen DAY

1 Christopher Allen DAY
  =Michelle GALINDO
      2 Nicole Christine DAY

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Claude Merle DAY

Ancestors of Claude Merle DAY

                  /-Mathias DAY
        /-Robert Mathias DAY
        |         |         /-Alexander VOLK
        |         \-Clara V. VOLK
        |                   \-Anna Katherine MUTSCH
Claude Merle DAY
        \-Mabel Adelaide DORY

Descendants of Claude Merle DAY

1 Claude Merle DAY
  =Catherine Ann MCBRIDE
      2 Leah Carolyn DAY
        =Stover LEWIS
      2 Christopher Allen DAY
        =Michelle GALINDO
            3 Nicole Christine DAY
      2 Brian Paul DAY

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Claudia Merlene DAY

Ancestors of Claudia Merlene DAY

                  /-Mathias DAY
        /-Robert Mathias DAY
        |         |         /-Alexander VOLK
        |         \-Clara V. VOLK
        |                   \-Anna Katherine MUTSCH
Claudia Merlene DAY
        \-Mabel Adelaide DORY

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Claytie Agnes DAY

Descendants of Claytie Agnes DAY

1 Claytie Agnes DAY
  =Thomas J ALLEN
      2 Ruby Estelle ALLEN
        =Leo "Joe" KRAFT  Marriage: 19 Dec 1941, , Los Angeles, CA

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Clayton DAY

Descendants of Clayton DAY

1 Clayton DAY

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Deborah Ann DAY

Ancestors of Deborah Ann DAY

                            /-Mathias DAY
                  /-Robert Mathias DAY
                  |         \-Clara V. VOLK
        /-Vance Monroe DAY
        |         \-Mabel Adelaide DORY
Deborah Ann DAY
        \-Adele Marion MORRISETTE

Descendants of Deborah Ann DAY

1 Deborah Ann DAY
  =Paul Eugene REISCH
      2 Paul Eugene REISCH
      2 Rose Phylane REISCH
  =Marcus Duane WILSON

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Dennis DAY

Descendants of Dennis DAY

1 Dennis DAY
  =Bobbi SCHALL

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Francis Lynn DAY

Ancestors of Francis Lynn DAY

                  /-Mathias DAY
        /-Robert Mathias DAY
        |         |         /-Alexander VOLK
        |         \-Clara V. VOLK
        |                   \-Anna Katherine MUTSCH
Francis Lynn DAY
        \-Mabel Adelaide DORY

Descendants of Francis Lynn DAY

1 Francis Lynn DAY
  =Gail Lynn HAACK
      2 Mark Allen DAY
      2 Matthew Brian DAY

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