- Father: Andrew HEHN
- Mother: Katherina HEINRICH
- Birth: 24 Feb 1892, Neiberg, Ukraine
- Death: 13 Nov 1964, Gackle, Logan, ND
- Burial: Gackle Cem., Gackle, ND
- Partnership with: Elizabeth REMBOLDT
Marriage: 30 Oct 1914, Gackle, Logan, ND
- Child: Eddie H HEHN Birth: 11 Jan 1915, Gackle, Logan, ND
- Child: Ida HEHN Birth: 15 Oct 1916, Gackle, Logan, ND
- Child: Lydia HEHN Birth: 15 May 1919, Omemee, , ND
- Child: Artie HEHN Birth: 17 May 1921, Omemee, Bottineau, ND
- Partnership with: Magdalena FISCHER
Ancestors of Edward HEHN
/-Andrew HEHN
Edward HEHN
\-Katherina HEINRICH
Descendants of Edward HEHN
1 Edward HEHN
=Elizabeth REMBOLDT Marriage: 30 Oct 1914, Gackle, Logan, ND
2 Eddie H HEHN
=Emma C SCHLECHT Marriage: 1944
2 Ida HEHN
=Edward C REMBOLDT Marriage: 1936
3 Clyde Cliffton REMBOLDT
=Alice Faye MAIER Marriage: 12 Aug 1962, Streeter, , ND
3 Clayton Howard REMBOLDT
=Twila DOCKTER Marriage: 16 Jul 1960, Streeter, , ND
3 Twilla Mae REMBOLDT
=Dwight Leo WEIST
3 Arlene Jewell REMBOLDT
=Lloyd L VEIL
3 Kevin Kent REMBOLDT
2 Lydia HEHN
=Walter J FISCHER Marriage: 28 Apr 1937, On the farm East of Streeter, ND
3 Delight FISCHER
3 Charlotte FISCHER
3 Shella FISCHER
=Mitt REA
2 Artie HEHN
=Eldina SOMMERFELD Marriage: 4 Jun 1944, Gackle, ND
3 Darlene HEHN
=Duane OLSON
=Magdalena FISCHER
Ancestors of Edward A HEHN
/-Andrew HEHN
/-Andrew HEHN
| \-Katherina HEINRICH
Edward A HEHN
| /-Andreas "Andrew" ZIMMERMAN
Ancestors of Emelia HEHN
/-Andrew HEHN
Emelia HEHN
\-Katherina HEINRICH
Descendants of Emelia HEHN
1 Emelia HEHN
Descendants of Emma HEHN
1 Emma HEHN
- Birth: 12 Oct 1904, Wessington Springs, , SD
- Death: Oct 1996, College Place, Walla Walla , WA
- Burial: Mount Hope Cem., College Place, WA
- Partnership with: August F LANG
Marriage: 14 Jun 1926, Gackle, Logan, ND
Descendants of Emma F HEHN
1 Emma F HEHN
=August F LANG Marriage: 14 Jun 1926, Gackle, Logan, ND
2 Melvin LANG
2 Rella LANG
2 Dallas LANG
2 LaViera LANG
2 Allegra LANG
Ancestors of Henry HEHN
/-Andrew HEHN
Henry HEHN
\-Katherina HEINRICH
- Father: Edward HEHN
- Mother: Elizabeth REMBOLDT
- Birth: 15 Oct 1916, Gackle, Logan, ND
- Death: 1 Jan 1959, Gackle, Logan, ND
- Burial: Gackle Cem., Gackle, ND
Ancestors of Ida HEHN
/-Andrew HEHN
/-Edward HEHN
| \-Katherina HEINRICH
| /-Jacob Conrad REMBOLDT
| /-Konrad REMBOLDT Sr
| | \-Elisabetha SCHOECK
\-Elizabeth REMBOLDT
| /-Ernest Joseph REMBOLDT
\-Elizabeth REMBOLDT
\-Fredricka LUTZ
Descendants of Ida HEHN
1 Ida HEHN
=Edward C REMBOLDT Marriage: 1936
2 Clyde Cliffton REMBOLDT
=Alice Faye MAIER Marriage: 12 Aug 1962, Streeter, , ND
2 Clayton Howard REMBOLDT
=Twila DOCKTER Marriage: 16 Jul 1960, Streeter, , ND
3 Cordell REMBOLDT
2 Twilla Mae REMBOLDT
=Dwight Leo WEIST
2 Arlene Jewell REMBOLDT
=Lloyd L VEIL
2 Kevin Kent REMBOLDT
Descendants of Jerome HEHN
1 Jerome HEHN
=Eileen DEWALD
- Father: Edward HEHN
- Mother: Elizabeth REMBOLDT
- Birth: 15 May 1919, Omemee, , ND
- Death: 29 Apr 2011, Jamestown, Stutsman, ND
- Burial: Gackle Cem., Gackle, ND
- Partnership with: Walter J FISCHER
Marriage: 28 Apr 1937, On the farm East of Streeter, ND
Ancestors of Lydia HEHN
/-Andrew HEHN
/-Edward HEHN
| \-Katherina HEINRICH
Lydia HEHN
| /-Jacob Conrad REMBOLDT
| /-Konrad REMBOLDT Sr
| | \-Elisabetha SCHOECK
\-Elizabeth REMBOLDT
| /-Ernest Joseph REMBOLDT
\-Elizabeth REMBOLDT
\-Fredricka LUTZ
Descendants of Lydia HEHN
1 Lydia HEHN
=Walter J FISCHER Marriage: 28 Apr 1937, On the farm East of Streeter, ND
2 Delight FISCHER
2 Charlotte FISCHER
2 Shella FISCHER
=Mitt REA
Ancestors of Michael HEHN
Michael HEHN
\-Billie COLLINS
- Birth: 11 May 1943, Jamestown, Stutsman, ND
- Death: 23 Mar 2016, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
- Burial: Gackle Cem., Gackle, ND
Descendants of Myron Ernest HEHN
1 Myron Ernest HEHN
=Caren Jane MAIER Marriage: 26 May 1963, Streeter, , ND
Ancestors of William HEHN
/-Andrew HEHN
William HEHN
\-Katherina HEINRICH
Descendants of William HEHN
1 William HEHN
- Birth: 1899
- Death: 22 Nov 1973, , AB, Canada
- Burial: Hosmer, Edmunds, SD
Descendants of Margaret HEHTER
1 Margaret HEHTER
=Gottlieb RIEGER
=Lenora Emma SCHAUFELE Marriage: 1948
=Lydia Irene LITTKE Marriage: 1958
Descendants of HEIB
=Elizabeth "Betty" GANGE
Descendants of Jacob HEIB
1 Jacob HEIB
=Elizabeth RENSCHIER
2 Margaret HEIB
=Emanuel AMAN Marriage: 23 Nov 1920
3 Jean AMAN
3 Bernice AMAN
3 Edward AMAN
=Lavina OPP
3 Alice AMAN
=Elmer EISENBEISZ Marriage: 23 Sep 1943, Aberdeen, Brown, SD
3 Calvin AMAN
3 Reuben AMAN
3 Herbert Emanuel AMAN
=Virginia FORKEL
3 Rose AMAN
3 Frances AMAN
Ancestors of Margaret HEIB
/-Jacob HEIB
Margaret HEIB
\-Elizabeth RENSCHIER
Descendants of Margaret HEIB
1 Margaret HEIB
=Emanuel AMAN Marriage: 23 Nov 1920
2 Jean AMAN
2 Bernice AMAN
2 Edward AMAN
=Lavina OPP
2 Alice AMAN
=Elmer EISENBEISZ Marriage: 23 Sep 1943, Aberdeen, Brown, SD
2 Calvin AMAN
2 Reuben AMAN
2 Herbert Emanuel AMAN
=Virginia FORKEL
3 DuWayne AMAN
2 Rose AMAN
2 Frances AMAN
- Birth: Herbert, SK, Canada
- Death: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Descendants of Olga Freeda HEIBERT
1 Olga Freeda HEIBERT
=Peter Anthony DESCHNER Marriage: 1946
2 Beverly Sharon DESCHNER
Descendants of William HEICHEL
1 William HEICHEL
=Lathleen RENKAR
Ancestors of Godofredo HEICK
/-Joseph HEICK
Godofredo HEICK
| /-Johann FROEHLICH
\-Elizabeth FROEHLICH
\-Katherine LEHNERT
Ancestors of Helen HEICK
/-Joseph HEICK
/-Michael Joseph HEICK
| | /-Frank FROEHLICH
| \-Elizabeth FROEHLICH
| \-Katherine LEHNERT
\-Mary Ann MECKLER
Descendants of Helen HEICK
1 Helen HEICK
=Iven August KOHLMAN