Ancestors of Geneva KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-Egidius "Egidi" KELLER
                  |         \-Columbia RIPPLINGER
        /-Karl (Charles) KELLER
        |         |         /-Adam WALD II
        |         \-Agatha WALD
        |                   \-Eva SCHWAN
        |                   /-Johannes BAUMGARTNER
        |         /-Joseph L BAUMGARTNER
        |         |         \-Margaretta BRAUNAGEL
        \-Katherina BAUMGARTNER
                  |         /-Albinus SCHNEIDER
                  \-Katherine SCHNEIDER
                            \-Agatha VOELLER

Descendants of Geneva KELLER

1 Geneva KELLER
  =James MCCORD
      2 Patricia MCCORD
      2 Susan Marie MCCORD
      2 James MCCORD Jr
      2 Timothy John MCCORD
      2 David MCCORD

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Genevieve "Geneva" KELLER

Ancestors of Genevieve "Geneva" KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-Egidius "Egidi" KELLER
                  |         \-Columbia RIPPLINGER
        /-Egidi A KELLER Jr
        |         |         /-Adam WALD II
        |         \-Agatha WALD
        |                   \-Eva SCHWAN
Genevieve "Geneva" KELLER
        |                   /-Peter ZACHER
        |         /-Johannes ZACHER
        |         |         \-Carolina STACH
        \-Anna ZACHER
                  |         /-John UNSER
                  \-Johanna UNSER
                            \-Marianana KERSCHNER

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Genevieve Monica KELLER

Ancestors of Genevieve Monica KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-Egidius "Egidi" KELLER
                  |         \-Columbia RIPPLINGER
        /-Peter Egidi KELLER
        |         |         /-Adam WALD II
        |         \-Agatha WALD
        |                   \-Eva SCHWAN
Genevieve Monica KELLER
        |                   /-Johannes RICHTER
        |         /-Andreas RICHTER
        |         |         \-Marianna MASSET
        \-Monica RICHTER
                  |         /-Schwob Franz SCHUMACHER
                  \-Johanna SCHUMACHER
                            \-Magdalena ABERLE

Descendants of Genevieve Monica KELLER

1 Genevieve Monica KELLER
      2 Richard LANDSBERGER
      2 Andy LANDSBERGER
      2 Robert LANDSBERGER
      2 Mary LANDSBERGER
      2 Brenda LANDSBERGER
        = PHELPS
  =Leslie HECK

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Geoffrey KELLER

Ancestors of Geoffrey KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-Sebastian KELLER
                  |         \-Katherine SCHATZ
        /-Steve KELLER
        |         |         /-Stephanus Stephan WACK
        |         \-Katherine WACK
        |                   \-Mariana ZIEGLER
Geoffrey KELLER
        |         /-Roy Edwin SWEDLUND
        \-Wilda SWEDLUND
                  \-Bessie Ina GUERNSEY

Descendants of Geoffrey KELLER

1 Geoffrey KELLER
  =Beverly PRAMHUS
      2 Kyle Geoffrey KELLER

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Descendants of Georg KELLER

1 Georg KELLER
      2 Johann KELLER
        =Mary BITZ
            3 Phillippina Regina KELLER
              =Alvin A KRAUSE

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Georg Michael KELLER

Ancestors of Georg Michael KELLER

                  /-Jean Nicolas KELLER
        /-Hans Johann George KELLER
        |         \-Catherina LEGLER
Georg Michael KELLER
        \-Maria Barbara GREBER

Descendants of Georg Michael KELLER

1 Georg Michael KELLER
  =Anna Marie SCHAEFFER
      2 Jean Piere (Peter) KELLER
        =Francoise KLEIN
            3 Magdalena KELLER
              =Franz JAKOB  Marriage: 19 Oct 1841, Selz, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Kaspar KELLER
            3 Marie Agatha KELLER
            3 Xavier KELLER
            3 Agatha KELLER
              =Karl FETSCH  Marriage: 11 Sep 1847, Selz, Kutschurgan, Ukraine

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Ancestors of George KELLER

                            /-Joseph KELLER
                  /-Wilhelm KELLER
                  |         \-Magdalena RIPPLINGER
        /-Joseph KELLER
        |         |         /-Joannes GEREIN
        |         \-Christina GEREIN
        |                   \-Margaret SILBERNAGEL
        \-Magdeline GOETZ

Descendants of George KELLER

1 George KELLER
      2 George KELLER
      2 Joseph KELLER
      2 Wilhelm KELLER
      2 Joseph KELLER
      2 Valentin KELLER
      2 Egidi KELLER
      2 George KELLER
      2 Nicolas KELLER

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Ancestors of George KELLER

                            /-Wilhelm KELLER
                  /-Joseph KELLER
                  |         \-Christina GEREIN
        /-George KELLER
        |         \-Magdeline GOETZ

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Ancestors of George KELLER

                            /-Wilhelm KELLER
                  /-Joseph KELLER
                  |         \-Christina GEREIN
        /-George KELLER
        |         \-Magdeline GOETZ

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Ancestors of George KELLER

                            /-Joseph KELLER Sr
                  /-Joseph KELLER Jr
                  |         \-Otillia GROSSMAN
        /-Julius KELLER
        |         \-Theresa GOETZ
        |                   /-Jacob Sylvestor BURKHARDSMEIER
        |         /-Jacob Sylvester BURKHARTSMEIER
        |         |         \-Josephine DEIBERT
        \-Rosealie BURKHARTSMEIER
                  \-Anna Marie HAAS

Descendants of George KELLER

1 George KELLER
  =Sadie GREGORY  Marriage: 26 Sep 1950
      2 Robert KELLER
      2 William KELLER

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Descendants of George KELLER

1 George KELLER
  =Patricia "Patty" BAUMGARTNER
      2 Michael Allen KELLER
      2 Thomas Allan KELLER

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Ancestors of George KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-Peter KELLER
                  |         \-Columbia RIPPLINGER
        /-Jacob "Jake" KELLER
        |         \-Katherine BIEGLER
        |                   /-Sebastian LACHER
        |         /-Georg LACHER
        |         |         \-Rosalia SCHWEITZER
        \-Mary LACHER
                  |         /-Adam WALD
                  \-Margaret WALD
                            \-Dorothy SCHNEIDER

Descendants of George KELLER

1 George KELLER
  =Magdalena "Maggie" HOON  Marriage: 3 Jun 1941, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
      2 Eileen KELLER
        =Larry HOLMES
      2 George KELLER
      2 Charles KELLER
      2 Violet KELLER
        =Eugene BAUMGARTNER

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Descendants of George KELLER

1 George KELLER
  =Mary Eva MEYER
      2 Katherine Rose KELLER
        =Tony J PRAUS Sr  Marriage: 9 May 1939, St Joseph Ch., Dickinson, Stark, ND
            3 Anton PRAUS Jr
            3 Eddie PRAUS
            3 Ervin PRAUS
              =Celestine URLACHER
            3 Ernie PRAUS
            3 Ervin PRAUS
            3 Allen PRAUS
            3 Gerald PRAUS
      2 Monica Frances KELLER
        =Lloyd Norman SIMLE  Marriage: 3 Jul 1948, Billings, Yellowstone, MT
      2 Mary Eva KELLER
        =Barney MORSE
      2 George KELLER
      2 William KELLER
      2 Valentine KELLER
      2 Georgie KELLER
      2 Barbara KELLER
        =Albert REL
      2 Wilhelm KELLER

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Ancestors of George KELLER

                            /-Peter KELLER
                  /-Jacob "Jake" KELLER
                  |         \-Katherine BIEGLER
        /-George KELLER
        |         |         /-Georg LACHER
        |         \-Mary LACHER
        |                   \-Margaret WALD
        |                   /-Joseph HOON
        |         /-Joseph K HOON
        |         |         \-Martha VETTER
        \-Magdalena "Maggie" HOON
                  |         /-Peter FEIST
                  \-Elisabetha FEIST
                            \-Katharina SCHUMACHER

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Ancestors of George KELLER

        /-George KELLER
        |         /-William MEYER
        \-Mary Eva MEYER

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Descendants of George KELLER

1 George KELLER
  =Clara KLEIN
      2 Eugenia KELLER
        =Joseph HIRSCH  Marriage: 1908
            3 Joseph HIRSCH
              =Margaret KRANK
            3 Adam HIRSCH
            3 Mary Magdalena "Lena" HIRSCH
              =Walter August EBNER
            3 Peter "Pius" HIRSCH

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George "Morton" KELLER Sr

Descendants of George "Morton" KELLER Sr

1 George "Morton" KELLER Sr
  =Ruth Joyce CHENEY  Marriage: ABT 1922
      2 Rose Marjorie "Marnie" KELLER
        =Wesley Aaron VOLK
            3 Pamela Lee VOLK
              =Gary DILLON
            3 Bradley George VOLK
              =Stephanie DAVIS

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George Anthony KELLER

Ancestors of George Anthony KELLER

                            /-Jacob KELLER
                  /-Edward KELLER Sr
                  |         \-Elizabeth WANDLER
        /-Joseph E KELLER
        |         |         /-Joseph SANDER
        |         \-Johanna SANDER
        |                   \-Maria Josepha KRAFT
George Anthony KELLER
        |         /-Bruno CEY
        \-Theophilla CEY
                  \-Susan HAMILTON

Descendants of George Anthony KELLER

1 George Anthony KELLER
  =Cheryl Dorine KREAGER
      2 Kathy Lee KELLER
      2 Jamie Marie KELLER

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Ancestors of George J KELLER

        /-Johannes "John" KELLER
        |         /-Conrad WOLF
        \-Magdalena WOLF
                  \-Augustina GUMPER

Descendants of George J KELLER

1 George J KELLER
  =Frances HECKER  Marriage: 1928, Jamestown, Stutsman, ND
      2 Bernadette KELLER
        = WELCH
      2 Douglas KELLER
      2 Lucille KELLER
        = GREGG
  =Rose EMMIL

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George Michael KELLER

Ancestors of George Michael KELLER

                            /-Aegidius (Egidi) KELLER
                  /-Joseph KELLER Sr
                  |         \-Katherine HEIS(EY)
        /-Lambert KELLER
        |         \-Otillia GROSSMAN
George Michael KELLER
        \-Petronella GERHARDT

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