Michael Joseph SEILER

Descendants of Michael Joseph SEILER

1 Michael Joseph SEILER
  =Carolina WEIGEL  Marriage: 28 Jun 1948, St Johns Ch. Zeeland, McIntosh, ND
      2 James SEILER
      2 Dean SEILER
      2 Linda SEILER
        =Dean WITTMEIER
      2 Jean SEILER
        =Brad BLOW

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Pamela "Pam" SEILER

Ancestors of Pamela "Pam" SEILER

                            /-Michael SEILER
                  /-George M SEILER
                  |         \-Mary BUECHER
        /-John P SEILER
        |         \-Katherine SCHAEFBAUER
Pamela "Pam" SEILER
        |                   /-Johannes WELK II
        |         /-Gabriel WELK
        |         |         \-Anna HAGER
        \-Rose Mary WELK
                  |         /-Paul P WELDER Sr
                  \-Mary Ann WELDER
                            \-Katharina WEIGEL

Descendants of Pamela "Pam" SEILER

1 Pamela "Pam" SEILER

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Paulette SEILER

Ancestors of Paulette SEILER

                            /-Michael SEILER
                  /-George M SEILER
                  |         \-Mary BUECHER
        /-John P SEILER
        |         \-Katherine SCHAEFBAUER
Paulette SEILER
        |                   /-Johannes WELK II
        |         /-Gabriel WELK
        |         |         \-Anna HAGER
        \-Rose Mary WELK
                  |         /-Paul P WELDER Sr
                  \-Mary Ann WELDER
                            \-Katharina WEIGEL

Descendants of Paulette SEILER

1 Paulette SEILER
      2 David HOLZWARTH
      2 Michele HOLZWARTH
        =Michael HEMMELGARN
      2 Stacey HOLZWARTH

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Philipina SEILER

Ancestors of Philipina SEILER

        /-Mathias SEILER
Philipina SEILER

Descendants of Philipina SEILER

1 Philipina SEILER
  =Johann FEIST  Marriage: 1811, Strassburg, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
      2 Helena FEIST
      2 Damian FEIST
            3 Joseph FEIST
              =Regina BURGARD
            3 Franz FEIST
            3 Elizabeth FEIST
            3 Julianna FEIST
            3 Magdalena FEIST
      2 Jacob FAIST
      2 Stefan FEIST
            3 Franz FEIST
            3 Benedikt FEIST
            3 Johann FEIST
      2 Johann FEIST II
            3 Johannes FEIST III
              =Marion BROWN
              =Margaretha BECKER
        =Marianna WELK
            3 Clemens FEIST
              =Mariana MAIER  Marriage: ABT 1883
              =Maria SWANE  Marriage: 13 Nov 1900, College Point, NY
              =Carolina MILDENBERGER
      2 Johanna FEIST
        =Wendelin SCHNEIDER  Marriage: 25 Apr 1843, Mannheim, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Albinus SCHNEIDER
              =Agatha VOELLER  Marriage: 1867, Strassburg, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Michael SCHNEIDER
            3 Mariana SCHNEIDER
            3 Johanna SCHNEIDER
              =George ROERICH
            3 Elisabetha SCHNEIDER
            3 Katherine SCHNEIDER
            3 Johann SCHNEIDER
            3 Joseph SCHNEIDER
              =Magdalena BERTSCH  Marriage: 13 Oct 1874, Strassbur, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Margaretha SCHNEIDER
              =Michael THOMAS  Marriage: 25 Oct 1871, Strassburg, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Phillipina SCHNEIDER
              =Franz "Frank" BOSCH
      2 Joseph Anton FEIST
        =Regina ERCK
            3 Anton FEIST
            3 Franz FEIST
              =Christine GEFROH  Marriage: 1875
            3 Peter FEIST
              =Maria Eva GEFROH
            3 Kasper FEIST
              =Katharina FEIST  Marriage: 1880
        =Eva Elizabetha HEILMAN
            3 Anton FEIST Sr
              =Barbara WENNINGER  Marriage: ABT 1880
              =Helena MITZEL  Marriage: 1889, , , Ukraine
            3 Andreas FEIST
              =Anna KAMBEITZ  Marriage: Feb 1888, Strassburg, Kutschurgan, Ukraine

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Descendants of Randy SEILER

1 Randy SEILER
  =Debra "Debbie" Lou SCHELL
      2 Brandon SEILER
      2 Sarah SEILER
      2 Adam SEILER

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Ancestors of Regina SEILER

        /-Mathias SEILER

Descendants of Regina SEILER

1 Regina SEILER
  =Michael BERTSCH
  =Joseph HOFFART  Marriage: 1816

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Ancestors of Robert SEILER

                  /-Michael SEILER
        /-George M SEILER
        |         \-Mary BUECHER
        \-Katherine SCHAEFBAUER

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Descendants of Robert R SEILER

1 Robert R SEILER
  =Magdalena "Maggie" KLEIN  Marriage: 11 Oct 1947
      2 Donald J SEILER
      2 Susan SEILER
        =Wayne WESTERNESS
      2 Connie SEILER
        =Karl SCHROEDER
      2 Florence SEILER
        =Allan MALSAM
        = HOFFMAN

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Ancestors of Sandra SEILER

                            /-Michael SEILER
                  /-George M SEILER
                  |         \-Mary BUECHER
        /-Tom SEILER
        |         \-Katherine SCHAEFBAUER
        |         /-Lorenz ENGELHARDT
        \-Catherine ENGELHARDT
                  \-Katherina GLATT

Descendants of Sandra SEILER

1 Sandra SEILER

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Ancestors of Sarah SEILER

        /-Randy SEILER
        |         /-Benjamin "Benny" SCHELL
        \-Debra "Debbie" Lou SCHELL
                  \-Betty Lou DRAPER

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Sebastian F SEILER

Ancestors of Sebastian F SEILER

        /-George SEILER
Sebastian F SEILER
        |                   /-Franciscus Joseph LACHER
        |         /-Sebastian LACHER
        |         |         \-Anna Maria POSTETER
        \-Scholastica LACHER
                  |         /-Johann BRINSTER
                  \-Eva BRINSTER

Descendants of Sebastian F SEILER

1 Sebastian F SEILER
  =Elizabeth "Lizzie" M LANG  Marriage: 25 Nov 1913, Herreid, Campbell, SD

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Sherman SEILER

Ancestors of Sherman SEILER

        /-Donald SEILER
Sherman SEILER
        |                   /-Simon BRANDNER Sr
        |         /-Joseph BRANDNER
        |         |         \-Anna Marie SCHAEFBAUER
        \-Lois BRANDNER
                  |         /-Anton HEID Sr
                  \-Mary Eva HEID
                            \-Mary Eva DUTENHOFER

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Ancestors of Sheryl SEILER

                            /-Michael SEILER
                  /-George M SEILER
                  |         \-Mary BUECHER
        /-Tom SEILER
        |         \-Katherine SCHAEFBAUER
        |         /-Lorenz ENGELHARDT
        \-Catherine ENGELHARDT
                  \-Katherina GLATT

Descendants of Sheryl SEILER

1 Sheryl SEILER
      2 Brent SCHUMACHER
      2 Brian SCHUMACHER

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Stephen "Steve" Joseph SEILER Jr

Descendants of Stephen "Steve" Joseph SEILER Jr

1 Stephen "Steve" Joseph SEILER Jr
  =Mary Ann KUNTZ

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Stewart SEILER

Ancestors of Stewart SEILER

                            /-Michael SEILER
                  /-George M SEILER
                  |         \-Mary BUECHER
        /-Tom SEILER
        |         \-Katherine SCHAEFBAUER
Stewart SEILER
        |         /-Lorenz ENGELHARDT
        \-Catherine ENGELHARDT
                  \-Katherina GLATT

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Descendants of Sue SEILER

  =Michael B SCHROEDER

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Ancestors of Susan SEILER

        /-Robert R SEILER
        |                   /-Anton A KLEIN
        |         /-Matthias A KLEIN
        |         |         \-Magdalea HOFFART
        \-Magdalena "Maggie" KLEIN
                  |         /-Johannes "John" K WOLF
                  \-Magdalena WOLF
                            \-Francisca FEIST

Descendants of Susan SEILER

1 Susan SEILER

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Terry John SEILER

Ancestors of Terry John SEILER

                            /-Michael SEILER
                  /-George M SEILER
                  |         \-Mary BUECHER
        /-John P SEILER
        |         \-Katherine SCHAEFBAUER
Terry John SEILER
        |                   /-Johannes WELK II
        |         /-Gabriel WELK
        |         |         \-Anna HAGER
        \-Rose Mary WELK
                  |         /-Paul P WELDER Sr
                  \-Mary Ann WELDER
                            \-Katharina WEIGEL

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Ancestors of Thomas G SEILER

                            /-Michael SEILER
                  /-George M SEILER
                  |         \-Mary BUECHER
        /-Tom SEILER
        |         \-Katherine SCHAEFBAUER
        |         /-Lorenz ENGELHARDT
        \-Catherine ENGELHARDT
                  \-Katherina GLATT

Descendants of Thomas G SEILER

1 Thomas G SEILER
      2 Kirt SEILER
      2 Joey SEILER
      2 Christopher SEILER

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Timothy SEILER

Ancestors of Timothy SEILER

                            /-Michael SEILER
                  /-Joseph SEILER
                  |         \-Mary BUECHER
        /-Joseph "Joe" SEILER
        |         \-Helena SENGER
Timothy SEILER
        |         /-Johann "John" Martin STAEBLER
        \-Otillia "Tillie" Matilda STAEBLER
                  \-Anna Magdalena KREIN

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